Journal of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering

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Book Review - Journal of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (2022) Volume 6, Issue 9

Development of tactile imaging and its biomechanical charecterization

Steve Jameson*

Department of medical imaging,University of Toronto,Canada.

*Corresponding Author:
Steve Jameson
Department of medical imaging
University of Toronto

Received:29-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. AABIB-22-80758; Editor assigned: 30-Aug-2022, PreQC No. AABIB-22-807568(PQ); Reviewed:13-Sep-2022, QC No. AABIB-22-80758; Revised:16-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. AABPS-22-80756(R); Published:23-Sep-2022, DOI:10.35841/aabib-6.9.141.

Citation: Jameson S. Development of tactile imaging and its biomechanical characterization. J Biomed Imag Bioeng 6(9):141

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Inspection of underwater structural damage relies primarily on visual inspection by divers, and newer techniques include the use of Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) to improve efficiency. Aiming to perform autonomous and robotic underwater inspections, a novel Tactile Imaging System for Underwater Inspection (TISUE) is designed, prototyped, and tested in this paper. The system has two main components, including an imaging subsystem and a manipulation subsystem. The novelty lies in the imaging subsystem consisting of elastomeric contact-based optical sensors with specially designed artificial illumination.


Tactile imaging, Underwater structures, Damage inspection, Non-destructive evaluation.


Underwater structures are widespread and continuously built as critical infrastructure .Systems or components that underpin modern societies like other civil societies .Infrastructure and structure. Examples include fully or partially submerged structures .Extensive inventory of pipelines, dams, embankments and submerged river substructures .Crossroads or coastal bridges, harbor structures, offshore wind turbines, offshore oil platformdue to dangerous stress, long-term environmental degradation, and anthropogenic (technical)Danger, underwater structures in motion are susceptible to damage [1].

Major damage in waterStructures can be classified into basic types that are essentially the same as those that appear on landStructures with cracks and delamination of concrete materials, corrosion and damage of steel materials, etc. However, unlike damage to land-based structures, the visible appearance is underwater. Damage is highly influenced by underwater artifacts and conditions that change with water currents. Presence of debris and vegetation, liquid-water interactions, lighting, complex river/seabedsite [2].

Therefore, periodic inspection techniques are very difficult when used for addressing. Underwater structures, non-destructive testing, including the most common visual inspection method of evaluation and vibration-based monitoring methods. To date, the most effective approach to inspect underwater structures has been submersion-based methods .People who rely on professional divers to wear lights and conduct regular underwater inspections.Imaging devices searchlights, magnifiers, digital cameras, etc. The main benefits of diving areVisual inspection means that a trained professional can perform a thorough inspection of underwater structures pay as much attention to detail as safety permits. Using optical imaging devices instead creates these penaltiesIt can have a big impact on image quality. Massot-Campos and Oliver-Codin. Optical sensors and methods available for imaging underwater environments .In situ imaging quality is affected by light attenuation, scattering, colour absorption, and suspension particles and air bubbles [3,].

Remotely controlled non-destructive detection method. B. Sonar imaging equipment,It has been studied for its active ability to penetrate invisible turbid water.Sonar technologies such as Faso meter and advanced two-dimensional/three-dimensional Sonar Imaging is Efficient in Detecting Large-Scale Anomalies Such as Riverbed ScouringAround the pier. However, it is not effective in detecting minor damage such as structural damage.This is due to the limited resolution of sonar signals and the possible presence of debris in riverbeds and seawater growth canblock signals. The completed TISUE system includes optical imaging, data storage, display analysis and mechanical support subsystems and will be further tested in laboratory experiments [4].

This experiment shows that tactile “touch and sense” imaging can acquire high-resolution and high-quality images of structural surface damage, even in turbid water environments. A damage detection framework based on deep learning is developed and trained. The detection results show that the detectability of the five damage types in the obtained haptic images is similar to images obtained from regular (terrestrial) structural inspections. When a human finger touches soft tissue, the brain tries to estimate the pressure response to finger movement. While side-by-side palpation can discern different tissue properties, the human finger cannot even distinguish large changes in tissue elasticity between her two locations separated in time or space. The brain cannot reliably remember the finer aspects of tissue elasticity. It also relies on visual assessment to reinforce obvious features such as: B. Tissue stretching visually perceived with Valsalva or cough to collect functional information of vaginal tissue. Tactile imaging devices, on the other hand, provide recordable and reproducible measurements for tissue assessment [5].


Inspection of underwater structure damage is a difficult technical problem,It mainly relies on visual inspection by divers. New technology includes the use of remote Increase your efficiency with a motorized vehicle ROV. However, they cannot provide accuracy. Quality that a trained professional diver can offer. Existing non-destructive technologyE.g. altitude-based detection is not efficient when potential damage locations exceed records engineer’s judgment.


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