Anesthesiology and Clinical Science Research

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Hazem E. Elsersy Author

Postoperative agitation in adults, factors, possible Mechanisms and prevention.

Department of Medicine, Menoufya University, Egypt


Hazem E Elsersy from Department of Medicine, Menoufya University, Egypt. His area of interests are Clinical Science Research, hypoxia, nasal surgery, anesthesia, drug withdrawal, Bachelor of medicine and surgery Elmenoufiya University Egypt 1992 2- Master of anesthesia Elmenoufia University, Egypt 1998 3- Doctorate of anesthesia, I CU and pain , Elmenoufiya ,Egypt April 2011. 4- Toefl international computer adaptive test 2001

Subjects of specialization: Clinical Science Research,hypoxia,nasal surgery,anesthesia,drug withdrawal

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