Journal of Environmental Waste Management and Recycling

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Review Article - Journal of Environmental Waste Management and Recycling (2023) Volume 6, Issue 5

Water scenario in India: Challenges and way forward

One of the major challenges in front of whole world is rapid population growth. To fulfill the needs of the growing population rapid industrialization took place all around. In the other hand environmental pollution is on the rise as a bad consequence of the industrialization and urbanization. Other consequences are crisis of water, food, good quality of air etc. As we know water is the basic need for the human being, without which life is impossible on this earth but today in India water crisis is very prominent mainly in the summer seasons which causes loss of many lives every year. Though during other seasons water is available at a required quantity but the water quality is a matter of concern in many parts of the country. Shortage of water arises mainly due to low underground water level and higher demand of water. India gets plenty of water in the form of rain in monsoon period but almost all water goes to the ocean causing floods in many regions of the country at the other hand in summer the lack of water causes droughts in many regions. So, the water sustainability initiative including rain water harvesting and other initiatives are the solution for this water crisis. In this review article different types of water sustainability initiatives are studied and the some additional systems proposed in details which can be implemented for better water availability and distribution in all parts of the country.

Author(s): Madhab Chandra Jena*, Sarat Kumar Mishra, Himanshu Sekhar Moharana

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