Neurophysiology Research

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Perspective - Neurophysiology Research (2022) Volume 4, Issue 4

The digital anatomy of schizophrenia.

This essay examines psychotic symptoms in terms of erroneous deductions or assumptions. It is predicated on the idea that the brain actively generates hypotheses to describe or anticipate its sensations. This viewpoint offers a normative account of behaviour and perception that places an emphasis on probabilistic representations, particularly the certainty or accuracy of worldviews. Hallucinosis, irregular eye movements, sensory attenuation impairments, catatonia, and delusions will all be viewed as different manifestations of the same underlying disease, which is an aberrant encoding of precision. This illustrates a dangerous failure of metacognition, which can confuse perceptual inference, from a cognitive standpoint. It can result in actions that are paradoxically more accurate in the embodied context of active inference.

Author(s): Martha Shenton

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