Journal of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

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Short Communication - Journal of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (2020) Volume 2, Issue 3


Microbial enzymes are biocatalysts that play an important role in metabolic and biochemical reactions. They have been paid more attention due to their active and stable nature than enzymes from plants and animal sources. Microbial enzymes are of great importance in the development of various biotechnological and industrial bioprocesses. Current applications are focused on many different markets including pulp and paper, leather, detergents and textiles, pharmaceuticals, chemical, food and beverages, biofuels, animal feed and personal care, among others. Today there is a need for new, improved and more versatile enzymes in order to develop more novel, sustainable and economically competitive production processes.

Author(s): Mr. Olaitan Owoyemi

Abstract PDF

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