Journal of Aging and Geriatric Psychiatry

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Short Communication - Journal of Aging and Geriatric Psychiatry (2020) Volume 4, Issue 3

Leadership in palliative care

In Romania, the specialists in palliative care who are trained at the academic level in leadership are those who have completed the courses of the European Academy of Palliative Care, based on a scholarship but who are in a limited number. The skills, knowledge and personal development that the students of this academy acquire are a starting point for implementing projects that are pioneering / successful in palliative care. lf this training makes the difference where palliation is a well-established and seniority field, for those who are at the beginn ing of their journey in palliative care and designing projects following leadership courses, they can say that their ideas materialized in projects can change the lives of patients who have need for palliative care.

Author(s): Caruntu Adriana

Abstract PDF

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