Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Research Article - Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2023) Volume 13, Issue 100

Difference of academic achievement between anemic and non anemic student of primary school going children

The present study was planned to find out the difference of academic achievement between anemic and non-anemic student of primary grade school going children. Eighty subject aged 8 to 10 years of primary grade from different school of Lahore were taken and divided into two groups (40 anemic and 40 non anemic children) purposively selected. Cyamet heamoglobin method was performed to assess their anemic state. The children with Heamoglobin (Hb) level equal or less than 10gm% was included in the non-anemic group. A teacher made test was given to both the group and the result thus obtained were compared to find out any difference of academic achievement between anemic and non-anemic subjects by using test. When academic achievements were compared between anemic and non-anemic children the later performed better then the former group and the difference was very highly significant statistically (t=5012 and p<0.001) which indicates that anemia does affect academic achievement.

Author(s): Hafsah Tayyab Shazia Khalid, Bader Ismail, Muhammad Tayyab, Khalid Aftab

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