Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology

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About The Journal ISSN: 2591-7994

Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology

Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology is an Open access Bi-monthly journal publishing peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of basic and clinical research in Gynecology with emphasis on Feto-Maternal Medicine, infertility, reproductive system disease and sexual dysfunction obstetrics and reproductive Endocrinology.

The journal does not collect subscription charges from readers and they can freely view or access articles immediately after the publication under open access licensing terms. The published articles are covered by the indexing and abstracting databases: Google Scholar, Publons.

The journal accepts Original Research papers, Review articles, Case reports, Short note communications, Editorials, Mini review, Commentary and Perspectives in Endometriosis, Sexual dysfunction, Family planning, Feto-Maternal medicine, Reproduction, Contraception, Adolescent gynecology and Fertilisation.

Every manuscript that is submitted is subjected to a preliminary quality control check by the editorial office, which is followed by an external peer review procedure. The submitted manuscripts undergo single-blind peer review. Independent experts in the same field of study are in charge of critically reviewing, assessing, and providing feedback to the authors in order to help them better their work.

Time to publication from acceptance 5-10 days.
Average turnaround time 30-45 days.

Submit manuscript online at: Editorial Tracking system (or) via e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office: The article editorial processing stage can be tracked online by the corresponding author from the time of article submission to its acceptance. If interested in serving as the Editorial Board member, please contact


Articles published in Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology has got h-index 3 , which means every article in Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology has got 3 average citations.

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Just Published Articles View More

Opinion Article August 14, 2024


Gynecol Reproduct Endocrinol: 8(4): 1-2

Impact of Stress and Stress-Related Hormones on In-Vitro Fertilization Treatment Outcomes: Current Insights and Clinical Implications

Tianyu Zhang

Rapid Communication August 14, 2024


Gynecol Reproduct Endocrinol: 8(4): 1-2

Impact of Hypopituitarism on Growth Hormone Deficiency Severity in Adults with Pituitary Disease

Nancy Bigley

Rapid Communication August 14, 2024


Gynecol Reproduct Endocrinol: 8(4): 1-2

Treatment and Fertility: Perspectives on Future Pregnancy in Early-Stage Endometrial Cancer

Francisco Salinas

Commentary August 14, 2024


Gynecol Reproduct Endocrinol: 8(4): 1-2

Role of Misoprostol in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Applications, Efficacy, and Safety

Chiara Corrado

Perspective August 14, 2024


Gynecol Reproduct Endocrinol: 8(4): 1-2

Standard Title:

Carlos Pereira

Mini Review August 14, 2024


Gynecol Reproduct Endocrinol: 8(4): 1-2

COVID-19 Vaccinations in Pregnancy: Safeguarding Mother and Baby from the Pandemic

Ramona Moles

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