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Zhiran Zhang Author

Simultaneous Determination of Four Index Polar Constitutes by HILIC-ESIMS/MS for the Quality Control of Guizhi Fuling Wan

Zhiran Zhang, University of California, Santa Barbara | UCSB � Department of Physics, Bachelor of Science


Interface-induced decoherence is still a significant challenge for many quantum technologies. The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond is a prominent candidate for quantum computing and quantum network. It is also a powerful tool to detect electromagnetic fields, temperature, and pressure, and can be employed to study the origin of the decoherence. I'm interested in shallow NV combined with a scanning probe microscope, which provides nm-scale spatial resolution and gives important insights into condensed matter phenomena and interface-induced decoherence of quantum systems.

Subjects of specialization: DNA origami modification and placme, Home-Build Nitrogen-Vacancy Center SPM Operation, quantum imaging, Microspheres cleaning and handling, microwave impedance microscopy

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