Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research

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Timothy J LaRocca Author

Programmed cell death dynamics during hyperglycemia and ischemic brain injuries.

Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY and Postdoctoral Fellowship on host cell responses and programmed cell death.


Dr. LaRocca’s research focuses on different forms of programmed cell death in eukaryotic cells. Programmed cell death is the controlled death of eukaryotic cells in response to specific, external stimuli or internal cellular damage. This type of cell death is not random or accidental but rather depends on defined cell signaling, occurring in an orchestrated manner. Several different programmed cell death pathways exist but apoptosis and the more recently discovered necroptosis are the major pathways with each serving as backups to one another. 

Subjects of specialization: Microbial Physiology, Advanced Cell Biology , Advanced Molecular Biology, Cell Death and Disease

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