Journal of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering

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Mini Review - Journal of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (2023) Volume 7, Issue 3

Thermography: A revolutionary approach to detecting and monitoring health issues.

Yanpeng Dong *

Department of Physics, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China

*Corresponding Author:
Yanpeng Dong
Department of Physics,
Capital Normal University,
Beijing, China

Received: 19-May-2023, Manuscript No. AABIB-23-97329; Editor assigned: 23-May-2023, PreQC No. AABIB-23-97329 (PQ); Reviewed: 06-Jun-2023, QC No. AABIB-23-97329; Revised: 12-Jun-2023, Manuscript No. AABIB-23-97329; Published: 19-Jun-2023, DOI:10.35841/aabib-7.3.181

Citation: Dong Y, Thermography: A revolutionary approach to detecting and monitoring health issues. J Biomed Imag Bioeng. 2023;7(3):181.

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Thermography, also known as Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI), is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses thermal imaging cameras to detect and monitor temperature changes in the body. This approach has gained popularity in recent years as a safe, radiation-free, and painless way to identify a range of health issues, from breast cancer to musculoskeletal injuries. One of the most promising applications of thermography is in breast cancer screening. Studies have shown that thermography can detect breast cancer at an earlier stage than mammography, and can also identify other breast abnormalities, such as fibrocystic disease and mastitis.


Thermography, also known as Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI), is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses thermal imaging cameras to detect and monitor temperature changes in the body. This approach has gained popularity in recent years as a safe, radiation-free, and painless way to identify a range of health issues, from breast cancer to musculoskeletal injuries. One of the most promising applications of thermography is in breast cancer screening. Studies have shown that thermography can detect breast cancer at an earlier stage than mammography, and can also identify other breast abnormalities, such as fibrocystic disease and mastitis.


Thermography, Ionizing radiation, Mammography.


Unlike traditional imaging methods such as X-rays and CT scans, which use ionizing radiation to create images, thermography uses infrared technology to detect heat patterns in the body. This technology can detect subtle changes in temperature, which can indicate changes in blood flow and metabolic activity. These changes can be early signs of disease or injury, making thermography an effective tool for early detection and monitoring of health issues. One of the most promising applications of thermography is in breast cancer screening. Studies have shown that thermography can detect breast cancer at an earlier stage than mammography, and can also identify other breast abnormalities, such as fibrocystic disease and mastitis[1].

Additionally, thermography is non-invasive and does not involve exposure to radiation, making it a safe alternative to mammography, especially for women who may be at higher risk for breast cancer. Thermography is also useful in detecting musculoskeletal injuries, such as strains, sprains, and tears. By detecting changes in temperature in injured tissues, thermography can identify the location and severity of an injury and help guide treatment. This can be particularly useful in sports medicine, where early detection and treatment of injuries can help prevent long-term damage and improve recovery time. Moreover, thermography can also be used to monitor chronic conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia[2].

By monitoring changes in temperature in affected areas, thermography can provide valuable information about disease activity and help guide treatment decisions. While thermography has many potential benefits, it is important to note that it is not a replacement for traditional imaging methods or clinical evaluation. Rather, it is a complementary tool that can provide additional information and help guide further testing and treatment decisions. However, despite the many benefits of thermography, there are some limitations to this imaging technique. For example, it may not be effective in detecting very small tumors or abnormalities, and it may not provide the same level of detail as other imaging methods such as MRI or CT scans[3].

Additionally, interpreting thermography results can be challenging, and it is important to have trained professionals who are skilled in reading and analyzing the images. Another potential limitation of thermography is the cost. While the technology itself is not prohibitively expensive, there may be additional costs associated with interpretation and follow-up testing. As a result, some insurance companies may not cover the cost of thermography, making it less accessible to those who cannot afford to pay out-of-pocket. Despite these limitations, thermography has significant potential as a non-invasive and safe tool for detecting and monitoring a range of health issues[4].

It is particularly promising in the field of breast cancer screening, where it has the potential to improve detection rates and reduce the need for invasive procedures. Additionally, its applications in sports medicine and chronic disease management suggest that it has the potential to improve outcomes in a range of medical specialties. As research into thermography continues to advance, it is likely that we will continue to discover new applications for this imaging technique. Moreover, as the cost of technology decreases, it may become more accessible to a wider range of patients. Ultimately, the development of new and innovative medical technologies such as thermography will continue to improve our ability to detect and treat disease, and promote better health outcomes for all[5].


Thermography is a revolutionary approach to detecting and monitoring health issues that has gained popularity in recent years. Its non-invasive and radiation-free nature makes it a safe alternative to traditional imaging methods and its ability to detect subtle changes in temperature makes it a valuable tool for early detection and monitoring of a range of health issues. As research into thermography continues to expand, it has the potential to revolutionize healthcare and improve outcomes for patients.


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  2. Schaefer G, Tait R, Zhu SY. Overlay of thermal and visual medical images using skin detection and image registration. Med Bio Soc. 2006:965-967.

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  4. Zontak A, Sideman S, Verbitsky O, et al. Dynamic thermography: Analysis of hand temperature during exercise. Ann Biomed Eng. 1998;26:988-93.

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  5. JJ, Mendonça LC, Nunes LA, et al. Exercise-associated thermographic changes in young and elderly subjects. Ann Biomed Eng. 2008;36:1420-7.

    Indexed at, Google Scholar, Cross Ref

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