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Mini Review - Allied Journal of Medical Research (2023) Volume 7, Issue 6

Enhancing Dermatology with Intralesional Corticosteroid Injections

Shari Coskey *

Department of Dermatology, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, Brazil

*Corresponding Author:
Shari Coskey
Department of Dermatology, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, Brazil
Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu

Received: 24-Oct-2023, Manuscript No. AAJPTSM-23-119516; Editor assigned: 28-Oct-2023, PreQC No. AAJPTSM-23-119516 (PQ); Reviewed:10-Nov-2023, QC No. AAJPTSM-23-119516; Revised:12-Nov-2023, Manuscript No. AAJPTSM-23-119516 (R); Published: 22-Nov-2023, DOI:10.35841/ aaajmr-7.6.201

Citation: Coskey S. Enhancing dermatology with intralesional corticosteroid injections. Allied J Med Res. 2023;7(6):201

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Intralesional corticosteroid injections have revolutionized the field of dermatology by offering a targeted and effective approach to the management of various skin conditions. This research work provides an in-depth exploration of the applications, mechanisms of action, benefits, and considerations surrounding the use of intralesional corticosteroids in dermatological practice. [1]

Through a comprehensive review of current literature and clinical experiences, this study sheds light on the immense potential of these injections in enhancing patient care and improving the quality of life for individuals with dermatological concerns. [2].

Dermatologists encounter a wide spectrum of skin conditions, ranging from benign to debilitating. Intralesional corticosteroid injections, introduced decades ago, have become a cornerstone of treatment for various dermatological disorders. These injections allow for precise targeting of localized skin lesions, offering a less invasive and more effective alternative to systemic corticosteroids. This research work explores the multifaceted role of intralesional corticosteroid injections in dermatology and their potential for enhancing patient outcomes.


This research work is primarily based on a comprehensive review of existing literature, including clinical studies, case reports, and expert reviews. It also incorporates insights from dermatologists with extensive experience in the use of intralesional corticosteroids. The study encompasses a range of dermatological conditions where intralesional corticosteroid injections are commonly employed. [3].


Intralesional corticosteroid injections, often containing agents such as triamcinolone acetonide, have become integral in the management of localized skin lesions, offering a targeted approach that minimizes the risks and side effects associated with systemic corticosteroid use. By directly administering the medication into the affected area, dermatologists can tailor treatment to the specific needs of the patient, allowing for rapid relief from symptoms and enhanced cosmetic outcomes. [4].

This research work draws from a comprehensive review of current literature, encompassing clinical studies, case reports, and expert reviews, along with insights from experienced dermatologists who have harnessed the potential of intralesional corticosteroids across a spectrum of dermatological conditions [5].

Notably, intralesional corticosteroid injections find their most pronounced success in the management of keloids and hypertrophic scars [6].

By modulating the excessive collagen production within these lesions, corticosteroids effectively soften and flatten raised, thickened scar tissue, obviating the need for more invasive surgical interventions and thereby minimizing potential scarring and complications. Furthermore, in conditions such as alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder characterized by hair loss, corticosteroid injections stimulate hair regrowth by reducing inflammation around hair follicles. The localized response provided by these injections not only leads to swift efficacy but also ensures that the treatment targets the precise location of the skin condition, minimizing systemic side effects often associated with other treatment modalities [7].

While the benefits of intralesional corticosteroid injections in dermatology are significant, the administration of these injections requires a thoughtful and professional approach. The expertise of healthcare providers, typically dermatologists, is essential to ensure precision and minimize potential complications [8].

Dosing and frequency of injections must be carefully tailored to the specific condition, its severity, and individual patient characteristics. Overuse can lead to localized side effects, including skin thinning (atrophy) and pigment changes. Therefore, patient education and careful monitoring are vital components of this treatment approach [9].

Intralesional corticosteroid injections represent a powerful tool in the dermatologist's arsenal for managing a variety of skin conditions. This research work highlights their efficacy, benefits, and considerations in dermatological practice, ultimately emphasizing their role in enhancing patient care and improving the quality of life for individuals with dermatological concerns. By providing a targeted and minimally invasive approach to treatment, intralesional corticosteroid injections exemplify the evolution of dermatology toward precision medicine. Further research and clinical experiences continue to uncover new horizons for these injections, expanding their applications and improving patient outcomes in the ever-evolving field of dermatology [10].


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