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Perspective - Journal of Orthopedic Surgery and Rehabilitation (2023) Volume 7, Issue 6

Chronic Low Back Pain: Mechanisms, Diagnosis, and Management Strategies.

Karin Lundberg*

Department of Physical Therapy, University of Delaware, USA

*Corresponding Author:
Karin Lundberg
Department of Physical Therapy
University of Delaware

Received:28-Oct-2023, Manuscript No. AAOSR-23-119655;Editor assigned:31-Oct-2023, PreQC No. AAOSR-23-119655(PQ); Reviewed:14-Nov-2023, QC No. AAOSR-23-119655; Revised:20-Nov-2023, Manuscript No. AAOSR-23-119655(R); Published:27-Nov-2023, DOI: 10.35841/ aaosr-7.6.172

Citation:Lundberg K. Chronic Low Back Pain: Mechanisms, Diagnosis, and Management Strategies.J Ortho Sur Reh.2023;7(6):172

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People of all ages experience the widespread and incapacitating effects of chronic low back pain, which negatively impacts their general well-being, productivity, and quality of life. In the world of healthcare, it is critical to comprehend the processes, precise diagnosis, and efficacious therapeutic techniques for chronic low back pain. This study carries out a thorough literature analysis to clarify the complex mechanisms underlying chronic low back pain. The effectiveness of diagnostic modalities, including imaging modalities, clinical evaluation, and developing technology, is evaluated critically. In order to provide a thorough understanding of patient care, the study also looks into a variety of management techniques, such as pharmacological, non-pharmacological, and interventional methods.[1].

There are several different causes that contribute to chronic low back pain, including biomechanical, neurological, psychological, and structural factors. With the introduction of minimally invasive treatments and sophisticated imaging techniques, the diagnostic process has developed, improving diagnosis precision. In line with this, management approaches have evolved, placing an increasing focus on individualized, patient-centered treatment. Due to their effectiveness and lower risk of side effects, non-pharmacological therapies like physical therapy, exercise, and cognitive-behavioral therapy have become more popular. Nonetheless, in certain instances, pharmaceutical alternatives, interventional methods, and surgical procedures still hold significant importance. [2].

Being a complicated ailment, chronic low back pain necessitates a thorough comprehension of its processes, a precise diagnosis, and a customized therapeutic strategy. This study emphasises the necessity of treating persistent low back pain from a multidisciplinary, holistic perspective that takes into account all of its aspects. It highlights how crucial it is to customize care to each patient's requirements and preferences. We can improve the quality of life for people who experience chronic low back pain by enhancing our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the disorder and honing our diagnostic and treatment approaches. [3].

In today's healthcare environment, chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a significant and widespread problem that has a severe impact on people's lives, healthcare systems, and society everywhere. Beyond the area of the physical, CLBP has a crippling effect on a person's psychological, social, and economic aspects. Being one of the primary factors in disability and lost productivity, CLBP necessitates a thorough investigation of its mechanisms, methods for diagnosis, and tactics for efficient treatment. CLBP is extremely common worldwide, which serves as a clear reminder of its importance. It affects people of all ages, regardless of their gender, age, or cultural background. Despite being widely prevalent, CLBP is a complex, multifaceted disorder with several underlying causes rather than a single, universal entity. The complex interplay of structural, biomechanical, neurological, and psychological factors underlying CLBP poses a challenge to researchers and physicians alike. This study aims to investigate the complex network of CLBP, clarifying its causes, improving diagnostic procedures, and investigating a variety of management approaches. The problem of chronic low back pain has led to a variety of treatment techniques, including non-pharmacological interventions, the integration of modern technologies, and traditional methods.[4].

Our goal as we set out on this exploratory voyage is to offer a thorough understanding of CLBP, which opens the door to better patient care and a higher standard of living for individuals who are affected by it. The understanding that CLBP is not a disorder that can be treated in a one-size-fits-all manner but rather requires a customized strategy that honors each patient's uniqueness serves as the foundation for this research. By combining the most recent research findings, clinical knowledge, and patient stories, we hope to further our understanding of CLBP and provide a way forward for better patient care and a higher quality of life. With this thorough examination of CLBP's mechanisms, diagnostic techniques, and therapeutic strategies, the road to understanding and conquering it begins. The goal of the journey is to improve the well-being, alleviate suffering, and restore function for those who are impacted by CLBP.[5].



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