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November 13-14, 2017 Paris, France



International Conference on



Journal of Biotechnology and Phytochemistry

Volume 1, Issue 2

Plasma Chemistry 2017

Inductively coupled thermal plasma - a versatile tool

for the processing of powders

Marc Leparoux

Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology,



mong the thermal plasmas, the inductively coupled ones

present the advantage of large vol-ume and moderate

velocity making this technique well suitable for the controlled

evaporation or melting of large quantities of particulate materials.

Thus, ICP is industrially used for the synthesis of nanoparticles,

or for the spheroidisation and densification of microscale

powders. The nanoparticle synthesis involves the formation of

a supersaturated phase and its subsequent rapid condensation.

A high flexibility is provided by this technique regarding the

feedstock. A most common production route is the evaporation

of commercially available and easy to handle microscale particles,

but liquid and even gases can also be used as starting materials.

The control of the thermal history of these precursors is of prime

importance for guaranteeing the quality of the product. Indeed,

strong temperature gradients in the plasma may lead to different

evaporation rates, particle sizes or even different compositions.



diagnostic is then required for understanding and

controlling the process. Due to the dusty and high-temperature

environment, optical techniques are an interesting approach

giving valuable information about the plasma state, the

particle-plasma interaction and even about some na-noparticle

properties. Additionally, the injection of a secondary material

allows the function-alization of the produced nanoparticles in-

situ and in-flight offer new potentials for ICP pro-cessing. More

recently the fast growing of additive manufacturing induced a

specific interest in powder spheroidisation for making powders

more flowable. Indeed, in the powder bed ap-proach, a powder

layer is deposited before the laser or the electron beam is writing

a structure. A defect in the powder layer arrangement may induce

a defect in the additive manufactured the part. Therefore, highly

flowable powders are required. By adapting the inductive plasma

process parameters, a full melting of the starting powder without

extensive evaporation can be achieved. The melt particles form

then dense spheres with improved flowability upon cooling.

Empa is investigating thermal plasmas and especially ICP since

more than 15 years. A short review of the activities will be

presented here.


Marc Leparoux is head of the group of nanoparticles and nanocomposites

at the laboratory for advanced materials processing at Empa. He received

his Magistère in materials science and a DEA in solid chemistry in 1992 at

University of Rennes. He completed his PhD in physical chemistry in 1995

from University of Orléans in France. He then worked on high temperature

process monitoring at Fraunhofer institute for material and beam technology

(IWS) in Dresden, Germany. He joined Empa in 2001 where he developed

the activities on thermal plasma synthesis of nanoparticles. Particularly, his

interest is in gas phase process un-derstanding and improvement based on


characterization using various optical methods, among them emission

and absorption spectroscopy as well as high speed imaging. These techniques

are presently also used in other plasma induced processes as for instance in

laser metal welding and more recently in laser metal deposition an additive

manufacturing process.

Marc Leparoux, J Biot Phyt 2017