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Journal of Biomedical Research | Volume: 29

November 19-20, 2018 | Paris, France

Molecular Biology, Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine

International Conference on

Joint Event




World Heart Congress

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in a patient with severe ischemic heart failure requiring a left

ventricular assist device as a bridge to cardiac transplantation

Jeffrey E Friedman

University of Florida, USA


Obesity is associated with heart failure due to

structural and functional changes within the heart. Obesity

increases metabolic demand, total blood volume and stroke

volume. This causes left ventricular dilatation, cardiac

hypertrophy and atrial enlargement. Definitive treatment for

severe heart failure is cardiac transplantation. Transplantation

is not an option for patients with a BMI over 35 kg/m


. We

describe our method of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in

patients with heart failure requiring a left ventricular assist

device as a means for weight loss in order to bridge the patient

to cardiac transplantation.


A 63 year old male with morbid obesity (BMI 40 kg/



) and multiple co-morbidities including chronic congestive

heart failure with an ejection fraction of 20% requiring left

ventricular device support was referred to the bariatric service

for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy as a method of weight loss

in order to become eligible for cardiac transplantation listing.

After completing the bariatric work-up, the patient was pre-

admitted to the heart failure service and prepared for surgery.

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy was performed in a standard

fashion over a 36 French bougie.


Post-operatively the patient recovered in the heart

failure unit, was immediately started on the bariatric protocol,

a heparin drip restarted 6 hours post-operatively and was

discharged home when his INR was therapeutic without



Sleeve gastrectomy can be safely utilized in patients

with end-stage heart failure and morbid obesity in order to

achieve weight loss to become eligible for transplant listing.

Speaker Biography

Jeffrey E Friedman, is as an assistant professor in the division of general surgery and a

director of bariatric surgery. Friedman earned his medical degree from the University

of Mississippi and completed his residency in general surgery at Carraway Methodist

Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama and Mary Imogene Bassett Healthcare in

Cooperstown, New York. He served as a research fellow at the Mary Imogene Bassett

Research Institute and as a minimally invasive surgery/bariatric surgery fellow at

Sacred Heart Health System in Pensacola, Florida. Friedman has previously worked

as assistant medical director of the Sacred Heart Institute for Medical Weight Loss,

as medical director of the Baptist Healthcare Bariatric Program in Pensacola and as

chief of the minimally invasive surgery/bariatric program at Previty Clinic for Surgical

Care in Beaumont, Texas. He has twice received the American Medical Association’s

Physician’s Recognition Award and is a member of the American College of Surgeons,

the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons, the Pensacola

Surgical Society and the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeons.



Jeffrey E Friedman, Molecular Biology & Heart Congress 2018, Volume 29

DOI: 10.4066/biomedicalresearch-C8-022